Wednesday, February 27, 2008
EDC Naughty Pic Scandal Video
I'm kinda having a moody work day till Mr. G showed me this. Someone on Sina has put together clips of Edison's movies that ironically fit his naughty picture scandal. Anyway if you are looking for the real pics, i guess you can easily 'google' it. Meanwhile, enjoy this video just for fun!
*Must-have* - Speakers to be turned on!! :)
Casting: Edison Chen, Nicolas Tse, Gillian Chung, Cecilia Cheung
Special Guest: Stephen Chow
Monday, February 25, 2008
Skype is Banned in UAE

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Dubai - There He Goes

U can see monkeys everywhere :)
Went really close to take this pic, hee...

Not forgetting to take our own pics too!
For yesterday... (if you read my previous post) yeah, we went Marina to catch the show, Fool's Gold.
Movie: Fool's Gold
my thought: I thought the show is ok only, or average i would say (maybe mood affects the movie too).. But i do have a little difficulty in linking some of their conversations, especially the historical part. Kinda not enough 'excitement' for treasure hunting but some parts of the show is still hilarious.
my review: 6.5/10

Sushi Dinner :)

Ice-cream before movie @ Chocz ~ Yummies

Us :)
Very BAD Experience with VOLUME
Just 15 mins before our show starts, i walked into this shop (which previously we have bought some clothes before) as i wanted to see if i could get a T-shirt. So happened that Mr. G saw something he likes and wanted to give a try to the T-shirt. But this 'uncle' told him the T-shirts are not allowed to try but the size should be right. We thought since can't try, then it's ok and wanted to walk out. And this 'uncle' hold us back says "Can lah, can try... Try at the fitting room next door" - Apparently this 2 shops are under the same boss.
1st Thing Spotted: This person twisted his words... insisted cannot try but ended up say can.
So Mr. G went to try the T-shirt and asked the 'uncle' how much it cost. He said $16.90 and Mr. G thought... it's average though but can buy since it's quite cheap. Mr. G came back to the shop after trying and i manage to find something too. So at the cashier, i asked the (Sales Assistant) SA-1... "Oh, you're having promotion for T-shirts... but our 2 T-shirts can't enjoy this promo right? Cos his is 16.90 and mine is 15.90.. different price". The SA-1 nodded her head and said "ya, different price so cannot". So we proceed to payment and i walked aside while Mr. G draws out a 50 bucks to pay.
Then when Mr. G got back the change he noticed the price differ and asked "Ey, i thought my T-shirt is 16.90"? There, here it is where things start... SA-1 says "No.. i never said it was 16.90" and she went to dig out another piece with the price tag on - 26.90.
We were taken aback and wondered if BOTH of us heard wrongly or what. So the 'uncle' came in and SA-2 (another Sales Assistant standing at the cashier) says "They say you told them is 16.90".... and i HEARD him say.. "YA....."
At his moment, SA-1 brought the T-shirt with the 26.90 price tag and said "The price tag is 26.90". Then the 'uncle' said "YA, its 26.90 ah"
@#$^#$&^$%&%^ OMG.. i was SHOCKED!! He can twist his word in a second without a blink! So now they turned the table. 3 of them INSISTED they have NEVER mention 16.90 before. Our show is starting soon and we know this conversation is not going to end if both parties keep insisting on our points. So we left the shop feeling injustice.
I U-turn back to the shop as Mr. G went to buy drinks. Cos i have this really 'bad feeling' inside me.... like we got cheated and unable to voice out. Seriously, WTF is 10 bucks! A subway meal? or not even a taxi ride back home!
When i went back (probably is a 'bang head' thing to do)... both the SA where there and i told them we actually feel 'cheated' as we were positive about hearing the price at 16.90. So SA-2 started to insist upon the same point again... and said "NO, we are sure we never mentioned it and we WILL NEVER EVER SAID THAT TOO.. BECAUSE... we have worked here for 5 years already! And it would never be possible we will tell a wrong price to the customers!" - Oh man, are you telling me ALL OF YOU are so perfect that you won't make a single error (ever)????!!!
Fine, she continues, "Then why did you all pay if you think the price is not right?" - Hey! We did raise out the issue at the very moment we got back the change, but they were relectant to do anything except to claim none of them made any mistakes in telling us the price.
So she said, "Cannot refund but if you want, you can change other items." I told her it's not about the 10 bucks that matters but it is the way they do things!! How could they say A and it ended up become B??!! The 'uncle' came back and same thing.. the cycle starts again... the 3 of them just keep insisting that none of them ever said 16.90 - and of cos with a bad tone.
Well, seriously i could not do anything, can i?? And my show is starting. But i have really LEARNT A LESSON: Always believe your eyes rather than your ears. If unsure, before buying, look for price tags.
I really never thought i would meet such things in a reputable shopping mall. Of cos for us... we will never ever go back to the shop to purchase anything again.

Photo sent by Serene
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Congratulations Singapore - Good or Bad?

Does this look familiar??
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Shopping @ Bugis

My dearest friend -- Liting :p
Monday, February 18, 2008
Ampang Yong Tou Fou
The first time Mr. G brought me here.. i 'fall in love' with it... especially the sauce, very yummy :) Oh ya, try to be there before 7pm cos the it's usually pretty pack after that timing.
This is the place :)

Try it yourself to taste the difference ^^
Place: 928 Upper Thomson Road, Singapore 787121
Price: SGD 9.20 for a set for two + Dumpling Soup + Drinks (really value for money)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Our Third V.Day

Dinner at Thai Express
At River Ang Bao, we met 'Cai Shen Ye' (Fortune God) and we thought he's giving out some vouchers or sweets... Hee, ended up it was some beans! Some people say they are "lucky beans", well....
E 'beans' we got :)
i belong to the farm group...

so is Mr. G.. heee
Throw a coin at the bell with the hanging wishes you wish it'll come true :)

Hey hey... Mr. G play cheat! So near.... *_*
i like this Grilled Cuttlefish, yummies!

Happie Happie
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
CNY Holidays Ended

His name is Hugo :) Happy CNY!
The only place i wanna go for now is probably River Ang Bao... which has to be this week! Hee... :)
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Gong Hei Fatt Choy!
I started my morning with my little red dress... :)

Visiting Mr. G's relative first... :)

Lao Yu Sheng

Mama & Cousins

Red dresses -- Cousin Janey (she look like tai tai w/ her little pinic bag, hee) & Me
Ended my day playing Black Jack at Mr. G's friend's place... and.... we got some winnings!! Hope this gonna continue for another week & wish everyone (disclaimer: those not playing with me) huat huat! Geeezzz :p
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Reunion Dinner with G-Family

Mr. G with his newphew & niece / Me with Mr. G's mama & Serene
After dinner, heee.. Can smile le :)
The whole dinner was good but the damage, heee... was pretty high too! For a 7-course dinner set (7-8 pax), it cost SGD 770! Which i guess mostly went to the sharks' fin & crabbie.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Last Minute CNY Shopping

Gonna be a looooong wait!

Good stuffs are worth waiting!!
45 minutes later..... i see some hopes! i finally see the sign board of 'Lim Chee Guan'. Thinking it'll probably be another half hour to my turn......................

Happie to see i'm closer!!
Immediately, i went to buy the Nian Gao at Hong Lim Complex and after which, headed back home to rest....... Though it took time to wait and queue for these items but it's only a once a year thing and i just hope my family gets to enjoy them :)

This is the shop famous for 'Nian Gao'

my 'yearly-gets'
Friday, February 1, 2008
~ You Were Meant For Me ~
*Turn on your speaker now :p*
I hear the clock, it's six a.m.
I feel so far from where I've been
I got my eggs, got my pancakes too
I got my maple syrup, everything but you.
I break the yolks and make a smiley face
I kinda like it in my brand new place
I wipe the spots off the mirror
Don't leave the keys in the door
Never put wet towels on the floor anymore' cause
I know you love me
And soon you will see
You were meant for me. And I was meant for you.
You were meant for me. And I was meant for you.
I called my momma, she was out for a walk
Consoled a cup of coffee but it didn't wanna talk
So I picked up a paper, it was more bad news
More hearts being broken or people being used
I know you love me
And soon you will see
You were meant for me. And I was meant for you.
You were meant for me. And I was meant for you.
I go about my business, I'm doin fine
Besides what would I say if I had you on the line
Same old story, not much to say
Hearts are broken, everyday.
I brush my teeth and put the cap back on
I know you hate it when I leave the light on
I pick a book up. Turn the sheets down.
Take a deep breath and a good look around
Put on my pjs and hop into bed
I'm half alive but I feel mostly dead
I try and tell myself it'll be all right
I just shouldn't think anymore tonight 'cause
I know you love me
And soon i know you will see
You were meant for me. And I was meant for you.
You were meant for me. And I was meant for you.
You were meant for me. And I was meant for you.