Last night i had reunion dinner with Mr. G's family and supposingly, he will pick me up from work to head down together. Sigh... who knows, that 'zoom zoom' (his car) is giving him some hiccups.. so i need to wait for him at home instead.
So while waiting, i was trying to 'doll up' myself.... which ended up, inspired me to wanna cut my fringe today! Heee...
Attempt to "Doll" up :p
So by time we reach Long Beach at Dempsy Road, it was close to 8.3opm already - I am super HUNGRY. The first dish (Claypot Sharks' Fin) i thoought was the BEST! Though the below picture don't do justice to it... but it's like hmm... soup base's yummy + every mouthful is filled with sharks' fin, hahaha.. *Tempting??* heee... Of cos, not forgeting my favourite -Chilli crabbies!

1st Dish (left) - E yummie Claypot sharks fin *Slurps*

Mr. G with his newphew & niece / Me with Mr. G's mama & Serene
After dinner, heee.. Can smile le :)
The whole dinner was good but the damage, heee... was pretty high too! For a 7-course dinner set (7-8 pax), it cost SGD 770! Which i guess mostly went to the sharks' fin & crabbie.
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