This is my 100th post and it happens to be the day Singapore won the first Youth Olympic bid! So i decided to write a post that is not so 'bimbotic' like meanie always says :)
Though I do feel happy for my country having the privilege and honour to host this event but i really hope they will not over do things like what they did for IBF 2007. Personally, i felt it was kinda "try-too-hard". Things like... The 'Great Smile Campaign' specially designed for coming IBF to welcome the guests. Well, these are things we should progressively nurture our people rather than launching it just for the event.
Our dear Mr Lee also said we will be the focus of a new era for sporting development for Southeast Asia and Singapore. Hey hey, indeed wonderful but..... with all the overwheemling good news, will we also be expecting a even higher inflation?! *Sigh*
Linking back to Mr. Brown's previous post on: S'poreans are fed, up with progress!

Does this look familiar??
Singapore's inflation is already quite high, a bit higher will be undesirable for the government. So i doubt it's gonna cause any inflation, government won't benefit, they'll try to control it. Instead, holding more of such largescale events is very gd, more national income n awareness for growth, i strongly support the move. However, I do agree they often over do stuff some times.
Let's keep our fingers crossed joejoe :)
ahhhhhh.. i'm happy but Singapore. but it just dawned on me that if i'm gonna get married on 2010 as planned, the hotel costs are gonna be $%^#$%^%#-ingly high!!
oops typo. happy *for Singapore
Hey hui... hope neither ur anniversay or other special dates fall into the same mth as the Youth Olympic. Also, u can start sourcing now :)
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