How would you describe Valentines Day?
Tissue Lady: A commercialise day for marketeers to rip you off!
Mr. G: It's like Hungry Ghost Festival (what a description) - like all the couples were being let out from the hell gate cos everywhere you go, you'll see couples around, heee.. and ya, we were one of them.. :s
For me, i felt Valentines is though a pretty much commercialised day, but still when the other party do some little stuff, it will kinda make my day, heee... And he did! Early in the morning at work, *ding-dong* someone came to deliver flowers.. Thank you dearie!

Lovely flowers & couple bear from Mr. G
Actually we didn't really plan for the day but only thought of going down to River Ang Bao for a walk.. Hence, we just head down to Marina Square and pop to any place that we don't need to queue.

Dinner at Thai Express
At River Ang Bao, we met 'Cai Shen Ye' (Fortune God) and we thought he's giving out some vouchers or sweets... Hee, ended up it was some beans! Some people say they are "lucky beans", well....
E 'beans' we got :)
i belong to the farm group...

so is Mr. G.. heee
Throw a coin at the bell with the hanging wishes you wish it'll come true :)

Hey hey... Mr. G play cheat! So near.... *_*
i like this Grilled Cuttlefish, yummies!

Happie Happie
eh, ur hand holding the beans, really looks like a heart shape leh! :D
and btw, grates for the 3rd year! ;)
hey boon, looking back at my pic, hee... really look like heart shape, hahaha... :D
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