Monday, May 26, 2008
Weekend Updates

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sweet Sweet G :)
So probably because of this, heee.... He decided to maybe let his ears have some peace and brought me to get a new pillow! Haha.... But yeap, i'm touched! After our movie, he just walked to the store and start choosing one - For that moment, i felt G was sweet eh, heee... cos it was never a topic and i was caught by surprise :)

My new 88 bucks pillow ^^

my thought: From the guys that brought us Superbad. This show is hilarious and not as silly as expected. I must say the young actors are very good and really helped to spice up the whole movie.
my review: 7.5/10
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Pain... Pain... Pain
Sad to say....... Her first visit to a Chinese Sinseh for 'Tie-dah' :(
I didn't sleep well on Sunday night and probably have sprained my neck. i thought the pain will go off by itself in a few days' time... but it's really unbearable! i have to survive on panadols these 2 days at work and i've just popped another one in. Can't get to sleep at night, can't turn my neck, bad headaches... Ah!!! Simply frustrating!!
My first time to a sinseh and i seriously hate the smell of myself now. Xerene smells like a piece of big 'koyo' *_* Can't remove them till tomorrow morning.. Really hope it'll get better by tomorrow morning................... *Prays*
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Back to Routine Weekend
My weekend is back to routine again, heee... Dinner & movie. Yesterday Mr. G brought me to a place where i love to go especially during my overseas trip. Yeap yeap, we went Outback! Now that i won't really get to travel, hmm... think i could only visit the one in Singapore.
But in the midst of the dinner, Mr. G's not too well..... And ended up, i finished like almost half of his steak! OMG... i think i'm really Ms. Piggy... *Oink Oink*

Yummie Yummie :)

Poor Photographer Xerene took 3 shots for Mr. G to get the above.... So ended up, 'no smile', oops!
Movie: IronMan
my thought: I thought it was good, really entertaining. Don't ever consider DVDs cos i'm sure the show is worth paying for the cinema tics.
my review: 8.5/10
Saturday, May 10, 2008
First Week
He didnt really like it though.. but as a pancake lover, i thought it was quite nice :)
Our breakfast for the day... :)
And ya, it's been a week since i started my new job and last night, they had organised a team night out where we headed to Lilliput at East Coast for team building session first. The place is really cute with like 18 small stations, each modelled after familiar a Singapore landmark - fun!
After which was the bonding session, where we had our dinner and some drinks. As ya know, i'm a poor drinker and i actually puked after a Magarita & 2 glasses of wine *_* - Lousy. And i guessed they must be convinced that i really can't hold my liqour well, heee....
Anyway, the whole outing was pretty nice and indeed was a closer step to knowing the team mates better. Xerene just hope everythings gonna be fine down the road as she plans to stay long-term there, heh :D
*Xerene still misses PC babes......*
Monday, May 5, 2008
A New Start

Lovely Card from the Lovely Ladies

Look how sweet they were! :D

My last day...
From colleagues.. We became good friends & party kakis
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Indoor Theme Park

Xerene is scared.... This is the eerie lift... :(

Inside the lift.... :(
Ridleys Tour
I just felt sooooo relax when i stepped out from Van Helsing. It's like hmm.... Rainbow after the rain? In there, we took really lots of photos... :D
Funnie pics we took

Luckiest Chair in the World! A must sit :)
Last Theme Park Ride
We went to take some indoor rides after which...
Indoor Boat Ride

Ferry Wheels - Self-shots
Spent our last night at the arcade instead of casino, hee... And yeah! We won 2 teddy bears! :D Time flies and the next morning, we prepared to head back home... Though Genting is not as fun as in Taiwan but for a short get-away, it's not too bad eh :)

Mr. G got the white one for me & i got the blue one myself, hee..