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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesday Syndrome

Sigh.… dunnoe why, tis is e 2nd Tuesday I hav been getting bad headaches in a row. First one was last week where I met the gals out for dinner at Vivo – I experience very bad headache & e same thing is happening today! My head starts aching at ard 3+ (same timing as last wk) & its kinda getting worse…..

But still I didn’t take panadols.. cos erm…. Xerene HATES medicine. Guess some of u noes tat I do not noe how to swallow tablets.. yeah till now. I noe lots of ppl will say, “Haiya… its e mindset problem, u are just being negative.. U tell urself can, & u can just swallow it. It’s easy, put is near ur throat etc etc etc. .

Seriously, I tried lor…. Many many ways as recommended, tryin out e tiny bitsy tablets which can be as small as sunflower seeds… sigh, but i jus cant get it thrgh my throat :s

But there was a doctor whom I met before, he understood tis problem & said tat there are really people who cant swallow tablets in their life! Heee… so hey, tis is true.. there r reallie ppl who can’t swallow tables & one real-life case is ME! Heee…

So how do I take medies… well, either I crush it (sounds disgusting rite)… & mix it with water (eeekksss) – which I really hate e bitterness. Luckily, iFound a new way out few yrs back! Squeeze e pills in an empty capsules! Oh ya, something weird is tat I can swallow capsules only, which I thght is a blessing in disguise (at least I have one option) :)

*Prayin my headache goes away sooooon... *

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