Yesterday, went to PJ's place for bbq to celebrate Auntie's Maybel 26th Tis gal here is a v.special frd of mine, cos i noe her since i was 7 yrs-old & we've been in e same class frm Primary 1 to Sec. 4 - yeah, she's really my childhood frd :)
Birthday Gal & Ken
Of cos, me not sooo mean eh, hee... felt bad & started helpin out too after some light food first - No food = No energy rite ^^ I bbq a few chicken wings & quite a no. of prawns before i get back to e seats & start eatin again, wahahha.... Jus nice, PJ has reached (finally)! By e time, most of e food was prepared & we sat down to makan & start our talkin-nonsense session. Half way thrhg... e guys (Ken & Yaodong) complained to me: "Xerene, e prawns r too raw"
Me insisted: "Hey, prawns should not be over-cooked, otherwise they taste awful"

I m working eh, heee :) Photos in Sequel: 4 (Jan), 3 (Me), 2 (Sha), 1 (PJ)
Cont'd: 8 (Jan), 7 (Me), 6 (Sha), 5 (PJ)
Introducing e acting 'Gay' Couple & our new Couple, PJ & Donn ^^
Posing for e cam, hee... ~ gals...
E lights were off ard 11pm, quite early.. so they decided to play UNO spin. Somethin out of our expectations, e 1st game we played lasted for ONE hour... felt it's like nvr-ending... After which, my brain was dead cos i'm feelin pretti tired - so decided i should jus watched them play till e nite ends....
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