Yeah... 1 special incident happend to me tis evening. After wrk, i went to meet Sha Sha & Liting (J@n) for dinner after wrk at Holland V. As Sha Sha went to park her car, both of us headed to e Noodle house first... & along e way, eh... jus nice i saw PariSilk, a pretty well-known place where they sell discounted electronic goods (also e place i bought my Canon Ixus 75
Oh ya, i suddenly recall tat i need to check e price of e camera's batt cos Ms Keng wanna get one & i've previously mentioned to her tat they might have special price for e batt. So i walked in e store & asked e Sales Person (an indian).....
Me: Hi, i'm just wondering if e promotion for e canon battery is still on? Ya, for Canon Ixus 75... Cos couple of mths ago i bought my cam here & ur colleague mentioned tat there's a in-house promo which cost only 54 for one.
Sales: Hmm.... i tink no more promotion now... but let me check...... (he went to check with, i tink his boss then came back)
Sorry.. u see (showin me a canon leaflet) e promotion for e battery is over.. ended in 1st wk of Oct, now it'll cost 70 for e Canon Batt.
Me: Ohh...... Erm, but i tink e other time, ur colleague mentioned e promotion it's an in-house one, not frm Canon eh
Sales: But i tink tat one also no more already....
Me: Huh.... But now got any other promotion? (hee.. me abit auntie wor)
Sales: I tink dun have... over already..... (e sales guy mumbled something & walked back to e cashier area)
*Blurr* i thght he asked me to hold on for a while... didnt' reallie catch wat he said... anyway, jus waited for him to come back again.... Awhile later, he came back with a Canon Battery & put infront of me.. (something interesting is gonna happen!! hee)
Sales: When u buy e camera? u have e receipt?
Me: Huh.. few mths back... Neh, with ur colleauge, Michael. But receipt i dun have...
Sales: Ok........... Here... take it! (he pushed e battery to me)
Me: So how much isit now?
Sales: No no no... u take, u take..
Me: No no no... how much isist first???? (well well, u noe... sorrie if i'm alittle too racist, hee... but met with quite a no. of indian sales person.. they everytime say 'take it' 'take it'... then when u ask e price... whoaaaaaa..... super expensive one lor)
So me insisted & asked him e price again: No lah, u tell me e price first..
Sales (he insisted again): No... i give u.... FREE!! i give u.. take it, take it...
**STUNNED** Liting & me were super shock...
Me: R u serious? But i really wan to buy a battery (well teacher say, there's no free lunch in tis world)
Sales: Yes.... u take it, i give u one cos we have extra frm e canon promotion... u can take one
**Still stunning away (both of us)**
Me: Reallie........?? (hee... since he insisted, okie lor, wahhahahha)
Thank u so much eh.... wat's ur name??
Sales: Majj...
Me: Oh Majj, thanks eh.. u're really v.nice (wahhaha.. hey, wat can i say! he's reallie super nice mah, rite? heee)
So yeap! We walked out with a Free Canon Battery (still quite blur & puzzled)
So yeap! We walked out with a Free Canon Battery (still quite blur & puzzled)

Wahaha... e Free Canon Batt
After e dinner, we went to Coffee club for a drink.. By then Karen joined us & i shared with her my story, heee... When i headed back home, heee.... First thing, (me still excited) i told Mr. G abt tis incident again.. Hee hee... Guess its my luckie day today? ;p
Snaps at Coffe Club
Thank U Board:
I wan to thank Ms Keng for creating tis opportunity for me to step in to the store. hahha.... :)
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