Today, i was talking to Tissue Lady & friends and mentioned to them that i've been to bbq recently. And her first reaction was, "How come i don't know?" :p *Heh*
Cos usually my blog is kinda 'updated' and they'll know where i've been etc, heee. But yeah, if you noticed that recently my posting seems rather slow cos i've been really busy with work. Just came back and now preparing for another event on Thursday.
There are also some things happening in my work life, like.... Very soon, you probably will see my posting up pics on my last day with my group of nice colleagues. The thought of leaving them is really sad... but then again, progression is equivalently important. Okies, maybe i shall not talk too much about it for now :)
Last Saturday we went to Mr. G's friend birthday celebration at Coasta Sand Resort. Another sweet girl friend, organising a 'surprise birthday' for her love one.
I remember the last time i was there was to attend Cousin Karling's 21st birthday 4 years back! Whoa... long long time ago, heee... So he brought me for a stroll in between the celebration.
Thinking it'll be rather sweet and nice.... ended up....... i stepped on a group of ants!! Urrghh.... I almost got freaked out :(

Before I got 'freak out' by e ants..... *_*
Happie Happie Birthday
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