Weekend's been busy for me.. running few places and taking care of Mr.G - He's not feeling too well since he came back from Dubai :(
But still manage to have time for movie! On Saturday night, we went to watch the show JUNO and as you can see the pic below.. he's on 'Drowsy Mode' after some medicine. Oh ya, we also applied for the GV movie club member as usually catch our movies there and surprisingly, its a free membership. Think they just want you to visit them frequently, heee...
How to get the "Popcorn" card? :)
Very simple, just go to GV webbie or click here. After registration, you'll be able to collect your card within the next few days at any GV cineplex. You'll then be entitled for perks like... $1 OFF Combo of the Week, $6.50 Movie Tickets - every Tuesday, Priority Seat Selection etc.
Isn't this "Popcorn Card" cute?!!

Mr. G tryin to get some rest before movie..
Movie: JUNO
my thought: Not as entertaining as i thought it would be... But overall, the show is pretty lively and engaging.
my review: 7/10
Basically Sunday was a rest day for us... Just went out for makans and spent our time watching TVB serials again! And not forgetting with the company of my Nachos Cheese Snacks. Heh.. Junkie Me :)
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