I felt this year's Christmas is a little quiet... Didn't really get to feel the 'mood' even on the eve. Hee.. Or maybe becos i was trying to be discipline, didn't even drink a sip of alchohol cos was so afraid i can't wake up the next morning for my brother's wedding.
But i did have my fair share of fun during office celebration and the night spent at Mel's place! :)
But i did have my fair share of fun during office celebration and the night spent at Mel's place! :)
See what i've got during the Gift Exchange:

Thanks Noormie (my secret santa) for fulfilling my 3 wishes!!
i got a pair of caps (B & W) @ Mel's place
PC Celebration

Meanie's gonna kiss me...!!
We were all kinda lazy to prepare food for dinner, so the easiest way out is to.... Dial '62-35-35-35' - Pizza Hut Delivery!! hee... Knowing that they will bound to have overwheelming orders, i placed my order as early as 11.30am! *Kiasu*
Later that night, some of Mel's friend came & they brought along their new pet - a golden retriever. He is soooo adorable! & i start missing my dog too... :(

Mel & Me enjoying our dessert

Thanks Charmaine for buying these Yummie desserts!

Isn't he cute??!!

Look at this Big Kid here, heee... ;)
A peaceful Christmas count down this year indeed.... BUT i do MISS Partying!! *Calling Party 5.0 team + DMLS*
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