Hee hee... if you watched TVB series, you probably would know who i immitated :D
Was skyping with Mr. G just now and he was telling me, hey you can write a post on the days without him, heee.. And yeap, my dearie is away for 7 days to Mumbai and Dubai again; today is the 4th day, hurray.. 3 more days to go. Recently i've been really really lazy to blog, facebook and upload photos. Never used to be like that but i think i'm really burn out recently. Hopefully it'll be better if i pass my driving test next month!
Oh ya, i went to Penang to attend Ms. Keng.. erm now Mrs. Eng's wedding with the group of ex-PC gals 2 weeks back and the trip was really good and fun. Just love the company of this group of girls :D And finally i downloaded the pics from my camera 2mins back - Some photos taken during the wedding day :)
Morning - PC Babes 'forced' Groom to Sing!
Seems like the groom is prepared! Heee
Alright... good song choice so allow to enter! Heee
Me with Keng Keng's nieces

On the way to the wedding dinner - Me & EO
Trying to self-shot but oops! Captured EO in it :D
(Btw, i'm not the self-shot queen. Awards go to Evil Jo Jo!!)

We took quite a number of photos during the car ride :D
(History: Ex-PC babes works in the same events company and their favorite event hotel was Grand Copthorne in Sg)
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