Can i get my license in 5 months' time?? Hmm...
Yeap! Finally finally i had enrolled myself to the driving school (after 9 years of passing my theory tests, which of cos the 'final theory' had already expired long long time ago)! And of cos after much 'pushing' from my dear Mr. G :)
Suddenly it makes me wonder, why-oh-why am i procrastinating?? Heee.. Anyway i'm really glad i've made the first step! Today i went for my FIRST lesson at BBDC!! Although its just attending the theory lesson but still, i felt happy and excited (can't imagine if it's the 'actual' / practical lesson, geeezz).Decided to take up the class 3c despite knowing the fact that it's not easy to control a manual car - coordinating clutch, gear, accelerator etc etc.. but i wanna give it a shot. At least i tried and understand how it 'feels' like operating a manual car. Of course, i really really hope that there's no need for me to change to the 'auto' lessons later on... Gonna give myself 5 lessons, so wish me luck :D

Had a v.v.bad pre-V.day with G... fortunately, flowers linked us back to 'talking mode' again :)

V. day with Mr. G - Back to 'Sunshine' days ^_^
My Seafood Grill :)
Time for ice-cream!!

First time we wore 'couple t-shirt' for date
(A bit out-dated eh, heee.. but who cares?! ^_^)