Back to C905, this phone's camera functions can definitely be on par with digital camera. Oh ya, it comes WiFi and GPS too! If you ask me what the cons of this phone, i would say the 3G fuction & size? The phone doesn't comes with a front camera though it supports 3G calls. Meaning if you make a video call, you can only use the back camera and the other party can see you BUT you cannot see the screen *super weird right* Next is the size; not really slim nor compact, but for the amount of features you get, i'm pretty sure you can accomodate this area. Fortunately i rarely do video calls so i just have to make do with it. But again, it really puzzled me why the phone was designed in this way for 3G calls, doesn't make sense eh? *_*
Saturday - Visit to Mr. G's Sister New House

Little Joseph & Big Gavin

Grace's New Home Sweet Home
Went Keppel Marina for Drink ~ Nice Nice Place :)
(Background Pic - Using "Scene Selection Twilight Landscape)
Sunday - Dong-Ji (冬至)
(It means "the peak of the winter")

Went Shopping @ Orchard
Time to use e "Scene Selection" - Twilight Potrait

Tang Yuang, A must-have dish on Dong Ji
This week, i also managed to get my Hula Hoop!! Found it at Toy "R" Us. I seriously need to shed some fats. Can you believe i put on 3 kg in less than 3 months?! Even my mama noticed it and asked if i did put on weight when i saw her sometime back last week.
*Xerene seriously need to start exercising* i wanna put on my jeans again... very soon i hope :)