This week been pretty busy with my driving test date finalized, i have to complete all my 5 stages of driving lessons no later than 26 June! After work was meet ups with friends and colleagues for dinner, squeezing lessons in between and a good news to share..... Our dear Ms. Keng is getting married this Sunday!! i wrote my wishes to her saying she always never fail to surprise us. Back then at PC, she was the one whom as not attached and now... she is the first to get hitched!! Always a slient killer, heee...
And over the weekends, i'll be flying to Penang to attend her wedding with the fun group of ex-PC mates! I'm sure its going to be fun and maybe it's excitement that's causing the insomnia tonight :)
One bad news... my lappie is down *Sobs* Now thinking hard if i should get a new one or have it repaired....

~ The place where we used to run our events *nostalgic* :) ~
HK Trip - Goal to Complete this Trip Journal!

Met up with my cousin before heading to Macau
The must-visit place in Macau, The Venetian
Out from Casino
Whilst on the way to Senado Square